Our team of experienced individuals are committed to delivering innovative solutions.
We are recognised by construction and, security professional organisations and through our collaboration with industry, we have supported the development of new codes of practices.

Our Services
Analysis and Simulation
Our team have a vast amount of experience in using highly complex analysis methods to calculate structural response to blast loading and design complex systems such as curved glass facades.
Our team use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to accurately calculate blast pressures on structures with complex geometry. This approach provides accurate loading on structural members, which can be used for structural design.
Our team also uses CFD to design blast trials to ensure the required blast loads will be applied to the test structure.
We are capable of undertaking transient non-linear finite element analysis (FEA) on structures to accurately calculate a building’s response to highly dynamic blast loading. This modelling is key to understanding how the structure behaves once it undergoes plastic deformation to ensure the building is designed safely.
Blast Engineering and Testing
Our team has extensive experience of blast engineering and dynamic assessment of structures.
The use of appropriate blast prediction tools is the first step to a safe and economical design. We combine numerical techniques with live blast trials to aid our understanding of the interaction of blast loads with structural elements
Our team of engineers and designers understand how to determine and integrate protective measures into buildings and glazing systems that are cost effective, buildable and proportionate to the risk.
We are able to provide advice during product development stages prior to testing to ensure the tests produce meaningful results.
Glazing Engineering
Our team is specialised in the design of structural glass assemblies. We work on all scales of structural glazing including conventional and bespoke facades, bolted glass systems, balustrades and floors.
Services include conceptional design, rigorous analysis and detailing of structurally glazed, bolted fixed and dry glazed systems, independent checking and peer reviews, assistance with specialist fabrication including novel glazing techniques such as lamination of inserts encapsulated within the interlayer.
We draw upon our extensive experience in the research and development of glazing systems supported by analytical software applications.
We follow our designs through to installation offering on site support to fabricators, installers and contractors.
We sit on many standards committees formed to develop new and common codes of practices for the design of structural glass.
Material Analysis
Our team can provide independent expert material analysis for glass and a range of other façade elements on projects big and small.
Our laboratories have the capability to simulate the condition of an installed unit (including accelerated aging) using replica samples of identical composition. These samples can then be analysed to determine the likely state of the installed unit.
This approach is particularly applicable to the testing of glass and façade materials, but we also have the capability and expertise to test a variety of other materials found within the envelope of building construction.
Physical Testing
Our team can provide independent expert material analysis for glass and a range of other façade elements on large and small projects.
Our laboratories have the capability to simulate the condition of an installed unit (including accelerated aging) using replica samples of identical composition. These samples can then be analysed to determine the likely state of the installed unit.
This approach is particularly applicable to the testing of glass and façade materials, but we also have the capability and expertise to test a variety of other materials found within the envelope of building construction.
Site Investigation
Our team has over 50 years of experience determining the cause of glass fracture, laminated glass failure, degradation, delamination, insulated glass unit failure and water leakage.
We have worked closely with glass processors in Europe, Middle East, China and the USA providing quality assurance and project vetting services. Therefore, if you are considering a new glazing supplier, or have concerns over the quality of existing products, we are equipped to assist you.
We have a range of calibrated specialist survey equipment for laboratory and site use.
Structural Engineering
Our team use their knowledge of facades and bomb blast to understand complex structural problems. This experience enables us to evaluate the loads acting on the structure and develop solutions.
We combine numerical techniques with live blast trials to aid our understanding of the interaction of blast loads with structural elements. Our experience with finite element analysis (FEA) techniques and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) enable us to accurately calculate the blast loading and the structural response in a highly dynamic and complex loading environment.
Our engineering experience enables us to develop cost effective and buildable solutions that meet the project brief.
Threat Vulnerability and Risk Assessments
We routinely undertake threat assessments for major UK airports, train stations and other critical infrastructure. Vulnerability assessments enable site owners and stakeholders to understand any current risks that they may be carrying on either an existing or new site. Understanding the site specific threats and associated risks can aid project decision making. It also ensures that any protective measures that are installed are cost effective, buildable and proportionate to the risk.
Site specific design advice is key to reducing your risk from the impact of blast through acts of terrorism or accidental explosion. We encourage early project engagement so that our consultants can work with your project team to develop a solution that works with your design to provide protection and improve resilience.
We are accredited by The Register of Security Engineers and Specialists (RSES) and routinely undertake research, often in conjunction with major infrastructure projects, so that we offer the most current advice as threats and design practices change.
Contact us
If you would like to speak to us about your project, don't hesitate to get in touch or drop into one of our offices.
Phone: +44 (0)1403 710324
Email: contact@crossleyconsult.com
West Sussex
Crossley Consult
Shermanbury Road
Partridge Green
West Sussex
RH13 8EU
Crossley Consult
Unit 2 Block B
Axis Point
Hill Top Road
OL10 2RQ